Project Management

Manage and automatize all processes related with the project management. Use a completed methodology that guide you and your colleague to make everything necessary for project success.

Comply the project standards

AyMINE is the only system generally available with complete support for project management according to the standards ASPICE, ISO 26262, ISO 61508. However, project management fulfil requirements and automatically collect evidences about all project tasks so that the project is prepared for audit.

Collect evidences

The compliance with methodologies and automatic data collections saves more the 50% of time. Both internal auditor or external assessor have everything needed:

Support for all process areas

All process areas required by ASPICE, CMMI, ISO 26262, PMBOK and other project-related standards have system support that simplifies and manage the steps:

Activity planning and management

Within the project it is possible to schedule all necessary tasks, events and meetings, On the workbench each member of the project has an overview of everything that concerns him. The project manager has an overview of the teams and their work on the tasks.

Work reports

Tasks include statements of work and detailed cost reports. By reporting activities per task, there is minimal room for dishonesty as it is easy to compare the time spent with the actual needs of each task individually.

Use of standard schedules

A task can be planned according to a standard plan. The template, which is part of the methodology, is made up of methodological tasks and is closely linked to the methodology.

Standard plans not only preserve the know-how of project management, but also the knowledge of the time required to carry out each activity. Last but not least, their use saves time significantly.

Effective project communication

All requirements, activities, products and services in a project are supported by messages, comments and notes. This makes it easy for teams to discuss everything in the project, even if they are not working in the same place and time.

With the help of mobile phones, all messages and notes can be recorded by voice; there is no need to type them.

Risk management

Information and process support for the risk management process as required by the methodologies.

Problem solving

Informational and procedural support for the problem management process is used to address management issues, as well as to address deficiencies identified in testing or in the delivery of the project deliverable.

Version and configuration management

All project documentation is archived. Changes to their description are tracked for information and requirements. Versions can be created for documents and requirements according to the needs of the project

The module supports configuration management in accordance with CMMI, ISO 33000, ISO 26262, ASPICE and other standards.


All products that have been created within the project are part of the project management.

All assets used are also recorded. It is possible to document the price of all of them and thus track the costs and benefits of the project.

Technical and software project management

The system supports projects so that their management meets the requirements of quality standards. The support includes all activities and documentation that are controlled by the standards – quality management, task management and activities. It also includes

Requirements documentation, analysis and traceability management

Requirements handling includes not only management including documentation of all necessary items, but especially:

Analytical documentation and modelling

The system keeps secure all the documentation that project execution and new product or service development requires.
Requirements can be analysed down to the service and feature level.

AyMINE supports bidirectional synchronisation with the Enterprise Architect (from Sparx System) it supports models in SysML or ArchiMate as well as requirements synchronisation. Modell synchronisation ensures requirements traceability into the system architecture as well as detail design. Synchronisation fully support development processes and traceability required by ISO26262, CMMI, ASPICE, FormelQ, VDA and other standards that also requires system modelling in the SysML or UML.

Support for communication in multiple languages for mixed teams

All project documentation as well as tasks support languages. Communication between project participants can even be automatically translated. The system will greatly facilitate collaboration between teams from different nationalities.

External and remote teams

All information is online and accessible from anywhere, so naturally it also supports communication across countries. So you can use the project office anywhere in the world.
The entire system is developed from the ground up for mobile devices, so no computer is needed for collaboration.

Functionality to support teams collaborating remotely:

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