
Customer Support

All communication clearly and simply

  • Collects suggestions from email, web form, manually entered, telephone suggestions
  • Saves emails including attachments automatically to the system
  • You can make phone calls, send SMS and emails through the system
  • Communication records can be easily accessed by the entire helpdesk team
  • One solution covers all your business

New ticket processing

  • Tickety jsou rozděleny do kategorií pro zpracování
  • Tickets are divided into categories for processing
  • The system warns of expiring deadlines for resolution, monitors SLAs
  • Solving one ticket can be divided into several tasks

A single ticket is part of a bigger package

  • Helpdesk module connects tickets with knowlage base
  • Sample problem-solving procedures can be easily used to solve problems
  • Helpdesk is connected to CRM, products, orders,...
  • Helpdesk supports creating links between related tickets

Everything under control easily

  • Notes on the progress of the solution can be written to the ticket
  • For a ticket, you can record a work report
  • The system saves the communication with the customer from the creation of the ticket to its completion
  • You and your entire helpdesk team can search by the criteria you need

Detailed overviews on hand

  • You can track the progress of ticket processing by statistics
  • The system displays graphs of processing progress
  • You can generate reports in pdf or xls format

I am interested in the AyMINE system for customer support

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