Efficient Internal Communication
Communication effectiveness is a major pain point for many companies of all sizes and one of the most common reasons people leave. We offer a solution that saves companies an average of 1/3 of the cost
- Complete support for internal communication
- Stop sending internal emails
- Post information on bulletin boards
- Have a demonstration, try it out or start using it
- You can see more
Problems of the internal communication – medium and large enterprise
Enterprise communication issues arise from the size of the teams themselves, but also from complex responsibilities and regulations.
Discouraging number of emails
Internal communication is still mostly oral or by emails, even though it is a very inefficient way of communication. It is not uncommon for executives to have over 100 emails per day, as well as hundreds of unread messages. However, even 5 useless emails per day means waste time that could spend in better way. A single-day unread email might cause million-dollar loss.
To many emails is burdensome not only for executives, but also for experts. Even the experts are often overwhelmed by requests and long-time waiting for answers is not only costly but often dangerous.
“Workers from enterprise confirm that at least 50%, but often 90% of emails by executives, are “for information” – to keep the addressee informed, although the author does not expect direct response or action.”
Too much information
Large companies overwhelm their workers with a lot of information. Information often lacks a good structure and they are mostly not interconnected. Most of the news are communicated to workers in the time when author invented it, instead when the receiver needs it. Or even when receiver doesn’t need it at all.
Effective communication does not mean that information should not be published but that it is available when the recipient needs it.
Ineffective consultation
Perhaps the most common complaint relates to the ineffective consultation. It is a complex problem, ranging from the inexperience of meeting organizers, to improperly set processes (e.g. the obligation to discuss things in a meeting, even if the meeting does not bring benefits), to the lack of tools for "online" corporate communication.
Efficient meetings need not only experienced managers, but meetings automation. Last but not least, other communication channels that can replace much of the meeting and thus reduce the need to meet.
Complex regulations with too many changes
Enterprises tends to have many internal regulations and directives. Every week workers receive information about changes in regulations. Communication of regulations is costly (reading time × number of readers = several thousand dollars) and inefficient. Workers can never remember all changes, at best they got an idea about the change.
The solution is in dynamically managed tasks directly linked with Quality Management System and regulations. Regulations are linked with tasks and worked is informed about them in time when he needs it regardless when it was issued. Workers will observe regulations much more easy and could never say that they didn’t know about some new policy, standard or regulation.
Communication issues in small business
In particular, small business lacks tools and the culture. Both are depressed by small investments in internal organization as well as missing experience.
Missing tools
Small business often has nothing but emails. Intranet sites, shared directories, shared knowledge and many other tools that people in larger business use every day are beyond a small company scope.
Tools are often missing because there is no experience with the real boost of the efficiency, experience and necessary staff skills.
Missing experience
Experience is the basic step to verifying that something really helps us. When there is no way to verify that an investment pays off, it is difficult to justify internally.
A developing business grown out of its own processes
While few new workers in a larger business have no influence on its functioning, in a small business it brings major team increase. Such change requires significant internal changes. There is a need to change how to share information, mange internal communication and tasks. When a company culture does not grow accordingly to the team size, internal problems accumulate, affect productivity, personal satisfaction as well as the service quality. Sooner or later accumulated problems explode and breaks the team. It starts the team catharsis that is good to prune ill habits but can also sweep out the whole company.
It is not uncommon for small and medium-sized companies to lack records for most decisions, agreements and instructions. Everything is handled verbally, over the phone, or by text messages or even WhatsApp.
The consequence of the lack of rules is again low efficiency, but also often disputes and ambiguities that directly affect the quality of products and services.
Complete support for internal communication
With AyMINE you get support for effective internal communication:
- Quick messages between staff – reminders, messages linked to the subject they relate to
- Discussion groups for dealing with more complex topics online, but also commenting on suggestions and revisions
- Digitization of meeting management – automated preparation and sharing of the program (agenda meetings) and then minutes.
- Intranet and noticeboards
- Distribution of information about decisions including issuing a new directive (although we recommend more effective methods)
- Dynamic task management linked to quality system / internal directives replaces the need to inform about changes
“Efficient communication does not mean awareness reduction. There are 2 simple rules that bring the greatest improvement:
- Instead of transmitting as much information to people as possible and as soon as possible, store information and link them to the context. Bring them to workers when they need them.
- Sharing information should be as simple as possible.”
Efficient methods of the internal communication
One of the most important communication tools is information sharing and mutual information about work. As a result, workers do not have to get and send each other records such as document templates, task descriptions, work reports. Sharing reduce "unproductive communication" when we are looking for something or sending information that are not directly necessary for the receiver.
Shared information also contributes to communication:
- Instant messages between workers – alerts, messages linked to the subject they relate to
- Notes on own activities – a detailed log that everyone can easily find
- Automatically generated information on briefings
- Document Management
Automation within supported processes also contributes to effective communication, e.g.:
- Automatic task transfer: There is no need to send anything for a new or handed task, the worker gets the information automatically
- Voting: When a decision needs to be made in a company, project or team, just open the vote and choose who is involved. All stakeholders are automatically informed about the vote, options and result
- Decisions and changes to directives: The directive or decision always includes an overview of the people involved. These people can be automatically informed in an appropriate way, without having to worry about the information, confirmation and documentation of the process
- Meetings: The system automates all communication relating to meetings from the invitation, agenda access, work on the meeting and minutes
- Web forms: Initiatives, complaints, whistleblowing, questions about GDPR, job seekers – the company should have forms that allow direct communication via the web. The system via the web service receives a stimulus from the form and automatically creates the task and informs the workers.
Messengers used to be a great invention. Enjoy their benefits in a modern form. Send a reminder that notifies in the pocket and on the desk. Without disturbing.
Tools for communication with the public and business partners
- Publicly published bulletin boards
- Quick secure messages between companies (sent directly to AyMINE, not via emails)
- Web services for process orchestration across systems and data exchange
- Web services for receiving information and requests from the web
Stop sending internal emails
Cancel internal emails! Communicate efficiently, plus clearly distinguish between external and internal messages. You significantly reduce the risk of phishing and, thanks to open communication, the risk of mobbing.
We have analyzed many emails of managers and executives and looked for which ones can be replaced by more effective work or communication. The research showed that it is possible to not only eliminate internal emails, but also reduce the number of people-to-people messages by 30-90% by changing internal policies. Learn:
- Effectively share information and you won't send it to each other
- Keep track of the tasks of people on your team. Won't need info from them on what is completed
- Communicate tasks in a convenient workflow and not have to write about them
Don't waste time on emails that employees use to cover their backs to prove they communicated or did something. They're useless when it's easy to see when who did what.
Post information on bulletin boards
Post information on a public bulletin board (e.g. an official board) or intranet page with one click.
Bulletin boards can be accessible:
- Anyone from the Internet
- Within the intranet to logged-in users
- Only to a selected group of users
Internal bulletin boards are effective
Bulletin boards have been in use for many years, but people need to know they are there and what is on them. Create intranet pages for company information. Each department can put up information that people ask about. Save yourself and others time -> instead of asking, they'll just check the bulletin board. It's natural, convenient and simple.
Have a demonstration, try it out or start using it
Create a corporate account and you can start working immediately. Try out all the benefits and see how much time you save.
The company account is joined with our strong privacy commitment. In a nutshell, we guarantee that all data is strictly protected and located on servers in the European Union. If you prefer, everything can be placed at your servers (however, some functionality is linked to our servers only.)