Efficient Back office
Back office has to take care of everything that is needed to keep the organization running. It's a 1000+1 little thing, but when they don't work efficiently, the whole organization creaks. E.g.
- Processing internally customer requests and demands
- Manage controls and audits required both by internal & external rules
- Ordering and keeping in stock what the office needs – from spare lamps, to coffee and chairs, to company cars.
- Onboarding and off-boarding of staff, leave monitoring, sick pay etc. – even if there is an external HR person, there is a lot more to do internally
- Know what to do if the power goes out or the water breaks at the entrance
Some of the duties have separate departments in large companies, some could be outsourced, which always goes about halfway. What all those "details" need:

- Manage tasks
- Store and share information
- Keep information about staff, assets and who is in charge of what
- Keep an eye on deadlines so that nothing is forgotten
- Know how to assign duties to someone at any time, whether due to illness or a rush of other responsibilities.
Back office support
AyMINE solves all back office needs – it stores information, supports problem solving, makedecisions, keep track of contacts and assets:
- Task management
- Management of organizational documentation (guidelines, instructions, etc.)
- Personnel files, tracking qualifications, certificates
- Asset records including value and accountability
- Decision management (e.g. selection process)
- Management of projects, tasks and responsibilities
- Managing risks and plans to address them
- Recorded internal communication
AyMINE allows you to have a unified corporate environment for all agendas – from deal management to the gym card sharing. From managing company computers to a project for a customer.