ISO 9001 Support

Full system support for ISO 9001 standard simplifies its usage and automates quality task processing

Basic Quality Control Process

The basis of ISO 9001 is the process of continuous management of works and their improvement. AyMINE supports all parts of this process, mostly simplified into _plan-to-do-check-to-act steps.


requires all activities to be planned in advance. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that lack of time, neglect of duties, forgetfulness or other reasons do not cause important steps to be forgotten.

In AyMINE, you prepare model tasks and plans in advance, which include all the necessary control mechanisms. AyMINE does not expect people to remember all the obligations, on the contrary, it designs the whole creation of the organizational documentation so that everyone in the task has all the necessary information.


AyMINE supports group tasks created on the basis of methodological guidelines. The guidelines are part of the task, which is group and includes control.
An equally important part is the automatic documentation of steps, meetings and decisions. This creates mandatory records allowing for a follow-up audit.
AyMINE, allows you to monitor which activities have been completed, manage the cooperation on task implementation and make sure that the completion of tasks is checked.


The main help for control is the possibility of evaluating the effectiveness of the measures and at the same time checking that the steps are actually carried out.
AyMINE provides the basis for control through the easy verification of all steps from the records. At the same time, it provides the possibility of measurement and analysis using structured data.


AyMINE also supports important problem and risk registration and control of their management. The identified deficiencies, decision-making on how to improve and all related steps are easy to manage and monitor their processing thanks to AyMINE. It is thus no problem to delegate the task to a worker who actually has the ability to solve the problem and still have control over the removal of the problem.
The follow-up to the measurement is the monitoring and evaluation of deficiencies. The step gives rise to disagreements and suggestions for improvement, Both should be monitored until the final resolution, which is the removal of the defect, the implementation of preventive action and possibly improvements.

Other processes required by the standard

The following sections describe the support for those processes that are not discussed in the previous section. This extracts the most important parts from the whole standard and further on these key process areas are therefore already omitted.

Lead support

AyMINE allows leadership an effective insight into the implemented steps, their elaboration and problems. It supports decision making as well as the ability of an executive to request the assistance of a leader or senior management.

Competence control

AyMINE strictly monitors the roles and competencies set with them, so that only a worker who has the necessary skills or role can get the planned tasks to solve.

Document management, configuration and change management

Standards require controlled documentation, where for each document it is always clear what is the valid version and how it has been changed, which version is ever valid. Part of the life cycle is the approval process, which ensures that it is not only clear which documents are valid, but also who approved them and how the approval took place.

AyMINE supports the maintenance of controlled versions, monitoring which versions are valid and which were valid in the past.

The management system is prepared completely universally and applicable not only to the documentation directly required by the standard, but to all documents that require their history and people's responsibility to be transparent – contracts, binding offers, project plans and budgets, assessments, etc.

Resource management, inspections and revisions

Standards require (not only ISO 9001) that resources are properly allocated for activities related to quality (possibly reliability, safety, etc. in other standards).
According to the standards, both the products and services provided by the company and many tools used in production and inspections must undergo inspections and revisions.

AyMINE supports the allocation of resources and the monitoring of their use. It is thus possible to monitor from the records what means are used for and to retrospectively document what means have been used e.g. for material testing, measurements, etc.

For the used devices, it is possible to monitor their lifetime, validity of certificates and plan ahead for inspections, testing, certifications, etc. obligatory steps. AyMINE is an open universal solution, so the same processes can be planned in accordance with the standards and regulations for products, buildings, as well as production and inspection means.

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