Filtering in the list of records


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Filtering in the list of records

List of records can be filtered by two different ways – using filter buttons or header line

Filter buttons

At computer or tablet: Above most of the table of records are two lines of buttons: buttons with operations and buttons with filters.

At mobile phone: Depending on the system version you might not two lines of buttons but single button with icon . FIelds in the menu under opened by the filter button behave exactly as the buttons on the computer screen.

Buttons in the filter line set or unset some filter on the records. Description of the filter – if not obvious from the button name – is visible in the help when you move mouse over the button.

Menu line supports various types of filters

  • Simple condition does not request and additional information and simple set or clear limit to some values. E.g. displays only records from last week
  • Condition with requests request some additional values. Typically you get a request for date, date interval or request to select object from list of them.

Full text search

Most of the records support full text search. You can see the field to write your request and use the button to select. Full text search:

  • If used without operators it always search for whole words
  • You can used operators like + for those that are requested or - for rejected.

Results from fulltext are sorted according to the relevance

Using filter at the table header line

Header line is the line above the records with name of the fields

Most of the columns allow filtering records using the command Filter in the menu that opens when you click (on mobile phone) on the field or move mouse cursor over that (on a computer). When you activates the filter, AyMINE requests a string to search for. E.g. when you write pau it finds all records where pau is in the string (Paul as well as Corpoul).

You can also use negation. When you write !pau, system returns all records where pau is not used.

The filtering on headers works in combination with filters set by buttons.

Filters on the header line can be used in combination. Simply add as many filters as you need.

Warning: Filters on the columns are active even when you hide the column with filter. Be careful about that. On the other hands filter on columns are not stored after the view close so that when you open a list of records, you don’t have to worry about forgotten and invisible filters.