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Overview of Personnel Information for pracov# Employment Contract

Records of Employee / Employee Employment Contracts

An employment contract always refers to a specific position in a particular department. In case of a transfer of employee to another position or to another department, it is possible either to change the contract or to make the transfer without this change.

Making information available to the employee

The employment contract as well as all documents in the work folder can be seen by the employee in his/her personal folder - on the worker's dashboard. All documents are read-only, the employee himself/herself does not have the option to make changes other than to contact the personnel department.

Work folder made available by employees fulfils the obligation of the organization stemming from the GDPR (the right of the subject to know what the organization records about him/her). At the same time, it helps to keep the information up-to-date, as the employee can easily check it.

Recommendation: Every year give all employees a task to check the data and report any changes. Such a task can be created by the HR officer in bulk for all AyMINE users.

Mandatory details for the contract

The record allows to record all mandatory data that is suitable to work with in bulk.

  • Job position
  • Contract type
  • Job report period
    • Part-time size:
    • Full-time...100%
    • Part-time
    • By hours worked

The contract documentation includes:

  • PDF document with signed contract
  • Possibility to record family data necessary to calculate salary (discount for wife, children) as well as optional (contact details in case the family needs to be contacted.)